30 Types of Beautiful Backyard Birds

A number of birds visit the Hyderabad Bird Hangout. Here 30 different kinds of Beautiful Backyard Birds that visit the hangout is shared with their information.

A variety of birds frequent the Hyderabad Bird Hangout. In this video, photos and videos of about 30 different kinds of birds are shared. This video can be used to identify birds for beginners and at the same time be used by those who want to relax with a soothing music while watching the beautiful birds at the bird feeders and bird baths.

The birds included in the video are:

  1. House Sparrows

  2. Scaly-breasted Munias

  3. Jungle Babblers

  4. Greater Coucals

  5. Indian White-Eye

  6. Tickell's blue flycatchers

  7. Red-vented Bulbuls

  8. Common Kingfishers

  9. Spotted Cuckoos

  10. Asian Koel Male Cuckoos

  11. Rufous Treepies

  12. Ashy Prinia Wren Warblers

  13. Purple Sunbirds

  14. Olive-backed Sunbirds

  15. Green Parakeets

The birds included in the video are:

  1. Blue Budgerigars

  2. Tailor Birds

  3. Whie-browed Wagtails

  4. Spotted Doves

  5. White Pigeons

  6. Rock Doves

  7. Indian Black Robins

  8. Brown Female Robins

  9. Oriental Magpies

  10. Pale Headed Munias

  11. Shikras

  12. Bengalese finch

  13. Purple Sunbirds

  14. White-eared Bulbul

  15. Red-whiskered Bulbul

Special Appearance by Squirrels

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